
To All The New Folks...

Hey everybody... WELCOME!

And here's the deal...

What we do here is compile the entertainment news from a huge number of sources every day (except weekends) by noon. We also write our own reviews on anything and everything entertainment related.

A lot of the news we put up (under our own pithy headline) is taken from our good friends over on the right sidebar. If you notice a website or link missing, leave a comment, let us know, and we'll get it up there.

Our goal is to be a one-stop gateway for entertainment. We aren't stealing stuff for our own grand design, we're pointing you where to go to get the best in entertainment news. We'd just love to be your homepage. Is that so wrong?

Also, if you have REVIEWS of anything entertainment related, no matter how mundane, EMAIL US.

Leave comments about stories or articles. Tell us what you think.

Join our CELLULOID SHEEP MAP which displays where the site has reached across the globe.

Keep refreshing the site, because BLOGSPOT is slow, and there are lots of times when new stuff is up, but it doesn't automatically load.

Other than that, welcome. We're glad to have you. Thanks to our buddy Quint at AICN for the link, as always.


-Constable Kreegal
Big Boss of the Sheep


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