Ok, sheepers... here's the deal. We have something like 24 unique hits a day, and that may or may not be true, according to the site tracker. Most of them are probably me, since no one else can take the time to write anything.
Thus, it's not an easy thing to keep this site updated, especially when we don't really believe anyone cares.
So, we are weighing some options. If, for some reason, you dig the sheep, leave a comment. Post something. Send some content. Write a review. E-mail it to us. Anything. Whatever.
Otherwise, we will either close up shop and I'll keep my funny headlines to myself, or, perhaps we'll move it to just once or twice a week unless something spectacular happens.
Every now and then I don't update just to see if anyone notices. I'm thinking they don't.
Prove me wrong.
Until then, we're closed 'til I feel like posting something else.
-Constable Kreegal
Big Boss of The Sheep